Saving Money on Travel “and” the Planet One Ride at a Time!

Splitsz is a 24/7 members’ only app-based travel sharing community that unites “vetted individuals” who want to save money on travel and our planet, simultaneously. Our members will save money on all aspects of foreign and domestic travel and housing by 1) sharing costs with other members traveling to the same area or place, and 2) by utilizing Splitsz’s discounts for private transportation services and lodging. Members can now enjoy traveling in all modes of transportation to an array of lodging options every day at a fraction of the average cost all over the world.

Even with the innovation of companies such as Uber, Lyft, and other ride-share services, travel has increasingly gotten more expensive and less safe. These costs are primarily due to these types of travel options being a paid service. What if it wasn’t? Well, with Splitsz you’ll be traveling with members who’ve completed an extensive background check, traveling in your desired direction, and your overall cost will be based on the vehicle’s fuel mileage and distance traveled.  Sharing the costs of daily, weekly, and annual travels with other vetted members who are traveling in the same direction, area, or place will save our members hundreds to thousands of dollars each year.

Splitsz’s mission is to expand our travel sharing community worldwide making travel once and for all “inexpensive and safer”, all while reducing the harmful emissions to our atmosphere. Yes, It’s “TIME TO SPLITSZ! Travel Sharing made safe, economical, and convenient all while saving our beautiful planet.